Women in tech? Not still enough!

Gender equality on work places has seen a strong improvement in recent years and, also if a lot of efforts need to be done, the trend seems to be well clear: the role of working women is gaining more and more importance while wages differences are getting closer.

But.. there’s a but. Is every sector experiencing such a beneficial trend? Unfortunately not.

Infographic: The Tech World Is Still a Man's World | Statista You will find more statistics at Statista

Surprisingly one of the worst area for gender equality is tech. While it has an average performance for Leadership jobs, being 25% S&P500 average for women with leading positions, shows a lack of women in charge for technical jobs.

None of the top companies has more than 25% of tech positions covered by women with Microsoft reaching a mediocre 18%, such a results are even more disappointing as the United Nations planned last year to have a 50-50 gender parity on work places within 2030.

I hope new tech startuppers will revert such a trend to avoid loosing good resources and opportunities on the way.


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